Lucas is Here

Lucas returns home to face some uncomfortable truths.


Written and Directed by Owen Lazur
Produced by Jeremy Truong
Cinematography by Robert Newman

Lance Daniels
Mel House
Tim Boardman
Franklin Kavaler

Premiered on Film Shortage.


When I was in college I lived two hours away from my grandfather, but I rarely went to see him. During my third year he got sick, but still, I was hesitant; I didn’t want to acknowledge the pain of it, and I knew I would have to if I saw him. I would regret this later, of course. After he died, I realized how hopelessly good people are at ignoring the painful realities of our lives, even when it goes against our best interests. 

And so I became interested in telling a story about someone who fails to confront something that really ought to be confronted, and in doing so creates a tragedy that would otherwise not have occurred. I wanted to explore that contradiction of human nature, and I also hoped that making the film would help me process the guilt I felt for not being there when I should have been.